Looking to taking a cultural tour around the Buganda Kingdom but wondering which tour operator to use? Here are some of the local tour operators who offers tours within Buganda Kingdom.
Adventures Unlimited
Entebbe Road, Kampala
Email: info@gorillasafaritrek.com
Website: www.gorillasafaritrek.com
African Jungle Safaris
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 772 561508
Email: info@rwandagorillasafaris.com
Website: www.junglesafarisuganda.com
Safari Gorillas
Tel: +256 772 552950
Mobile: +256 751 552950
Email: info@safarigorillas.com
Website: www.safarigorillas.com
Eco Safaris Uganda
Najja House, Room 03B
Najjanankumbi stella, Kampala.
Tel: +256 792 187 888
Email: info@ecosafarisuganda.com
Website: www.ecosfarisuganda.com
Go Gorilla Trekking
Entebbe Road, Room 03B
Najja Shopping Center
Tel: +256 772 072909
Email: info@gogorillatrekking.com
Website: www.gogorillatrekking.com
Jungle Safaris
Sir Apollo Kagwa Road
P.O Box 32051 Kampala Uganda
Email: info@bestjunglesafaris.com
*For a True African Experience!
Safaris Uganda
Room 03B
Najja House,
Najjanankumbi stella, Kampala.
Tel: +256 792 187 888
Email: info@safarisuganda.com
Website: www.safarisuganda.com
Gorilla Safaris Adventure
Tel: +256700785751
Mobile: +250-781-499-386Email: info@gorillasafarisadventure.com
Website: www.gorillasafarisadventure.com